Out of the thousands of fonts available online, how are you supposed to choose just one or two that will establish your brand? Especially when many of them start looking the same after a while.This task is even harder if no one
Knowing which questions to ask when designing a logo can be difficult. You don’t want to look stupid by asking the wrong kinds of questions. You don’t want to overwhelm your client by asking too many questions. But if you
Logo University.
Designing Effective Logos: Learn by Video Online Video List Price: $99.99 Sale Price: $29.99 You Save 70% This critically-acclaimed interactive training program from Peachpit Press offers exceptional quality high-definition
Niall O’Loughlin from 99designs shares his best-practice tips for using logo grids. Logo grid systems, construction guides and circles can be very powerful techniques for creating a logo design in 2015. A logo grid is a
Will your logo design stand the test of time? It sits as the pillar for any brand—big or small—even if it represents your personal brand. HOW knows that the most effective logos are striking yet simple, evocative but not too
If you were skeptic about learning the art of logo design, then here is your chance to learn it the easy way! You learn: How to generate initial ideas How to use sketching to get your ideas down quickly About common logo text
A logo designer, no matter which amazing logos he/she ever created, is still a human being and it means that at least once in a lifetime, he/she must have made a mistake. In my humble opinion, any human being makes mistakes at
Really seems that this design is not so original as it may have been portrayed Did Max Korner’s Logo Design Inspire Bluetooth Logo?.