Want to be a UX designer

Published on: June 1, 2016

Filled Under: Uncategorized

Views: 1837

For an aspiring designer, it’s both critical and challenging to stay on top of the latest industry news and trends. To help you along your quest, we’re sharing the best articles and resources that caught our eye this month:

1- How to Change Your Career from Graphic Design to UX Design

Many of you are graphic or visual designers looking to pivot towards UX design. This article goes through the differences between the two roles, and the process behind thinking like a UX designer with plenty of appealing visual aides.

2- What UX Designers can learn from 1990s Japanese Video Games

Sometimes in order to do your best work, you have to refer to the past. This TechCrunch article reflects on the small but meaningful UX details that heralded the meteoric rise of Japanese video games, and how you can use them in your work today.

3- Airbnb Design: Building a Visual Language

Airbnb’s design team has written an insightful look at their design system, and how they go about setting a consistent design language across a huge team. By setting a system for their visual design, their designers were able to build high fidelity mockups faster, and they spent more time discussing the impact of designs rather than the details of their components.

4- 40 UX Tools That Will Help Make You a Better Designer

Even the most skilled designers must rely on tools to make them more efficient. We profiled the best tools that can help you on your quest to become a better UX designer.

5- 14 Hard Truths about Users

This article by Fast Company tackles the most important problem UX designers will face: understanding exactly what makes their users tick.

Quote of the Month

“Usability answers the question, “Can the user accomplish their goal? – Joyce Lee, Human Factors Design at Apple”

Were these helpful? Hit reply and let us know types of resources you’d like to receive!

— Roger (from Springboard)

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